Challenge Question

Dictionary Challenge Question

For this challenge question, you are going to write a function that iterates over a dictionary!

Part 0. Setup

Start by opening your workspace in Visual Studio. Right click on the “lessons” folder and select “add file”. Your file will be named

Set up your document by adding the docstring: """Splitting a dictionary into two lists""" and initializing the __author__ variable with your PID.

Part 1. get_keys()

Write a function definition with the following expectations:

  • The function name is get_keys and has a dict[str,int] parameter.
  • The function should return a list[str]
  • The function should produce a list of all the keys in the input dictionary.
  • If the input dict is empty, it should return an empty list.
  • The function should not mutate (modify) the input dictionary.
  • Explicitly type variables, parameters, and return types.
  • Do not use the built-in .values() or .keys() methods!
Example usage:
>>> from lessons.unzip import get_keys >>> test: dict[str, int] = {"Hello" : 1, "World" : 2} >>> get_keys(test) ['Hello', 'World']

Part 2. get_values()

Write a function definition with the following expectations:

  • The function name is get_values and has a dict[str,int] parameter.
  • The function should return a list[int]
  • The function should produce a list of all the values in the input dictionary.
  • If the input dict is empty, it should return an empty list.
  • The function should not mutate (modify) the input dictionary.
  • Explicitly type variables, parameters, and return types.
  • Do not use the built-in .values() or .keys() methods!
Example usage:
>>> from lessons.unzip import get_values >>> test: dict[str, int] = {"Hello" : 1, "World" : 2} >>> get_values(test) [1, 2]

Submission Instructions

Create a .zip file by running the following command in your terminal:

python -m tools.submission lessons/

Then, drag and drop that .zip file into Gradescope!

Contributor(s): Alyssa Byrnes