Dictionary Conceptual Questions



  1. Dictionaries in Python can have duplicate keys. (T/F)
  2. Dictionaries in Python can be nested, meaning a dictionary can contain another dictionary as a value. (T/F)
  3. [] is to lists as ___ is to dicts.

Basic Syntax

  1. Create a new dictionary called my_dictionary with str keys and float values and initialize it as an empty dictionary.

  2. Using the following dictionary, msg: dict[str, int] = {"Hello": 1, "Yall": 2}, access the value stored under key “Yall”.

  3. Using the following dictionary, msg: dict[str, int] = {"Hello": 1, "Yall": 2}, increase the value stored under key “Yall” by 3.

  4. Using the following dictionary, ids: dict[int, str] = {100: "Alyssa", 200: "Carmine"}, remove the value “Alyssa”, stored at key 100.

  5. Using the following dictionary, ids: dict[int, str] = {100: "Alyssa", 200: "Carmine"}, write a line of code to get the number of key/value pairs in the dictionary.

  6. Using the following dictionary, stock: dict[str, int] = {"carrots": 50, "beets": 20, "apples": 10}, write a line of code to check if key “carrots” is in the dictionary.


Conceptul Questions

  1. False
  2. True
  3. {}

Syntax Solutions

  1. my_dictionary: dict[str, float] = {} or my_dictionary: dict[str, float] = dict()

  2. msg["Yall"]

  3. msg["Yall"] += 3 or msg["Yall"] = 5

  4. ids.pop(100)

  5. len(ids)

  6. carrots in stock

Contributor(s): Alyssa Lytle, Carmine Anderson-Falconi